My Husband Wants His Daughter to Live With Us Full-Time Against My Wishes — He’s Thinking About Divorce

Stella wants honest opinions from our readers about her decision not to let her husband’s 8-year-old daughter live with them permanently. She thinks her reasons are valid, but her husband is very angry about her refusal to have his child live with them all the time. Here’s a look at Stella’s complex family situation.

Stella, 39, is happily married to Paul. This is her second marriage, and the same goes for Paul. They are both content with their relationship, which is mature and stable. They worked hard to build trust and understanding. However, there is one issue that is causing problems in their marriage: Paul’s expectations about his daughter, Ella.

Stella explained, “Paul has a daughter named Ella from his previous marriage. She’s 8 years old. From the beginning of our relationship, Paul was clear about having a child. He sees Ella every other weekend, and I’ve always said that’s fine with me. I’m happy for him to spend time with her and even join in their activities.”

Stella continued, “I told Paul from the start that I don’t want to be Ella’s parent. I’m happy to take care of her if she’s with me, like cooking for her or playing with her, but I don’t want to take on a parental role. I won’t be the one to discipline her.”

Stella shared, “About ten months ago, Paul lost his job and had to leave his apartment. Since he had been living there before we moved in together, we thought it was okay for him to keep it. After losing the apartment, I told him he could move in with me. I even set up a room for Ella so she’d have a place when she stayed with us. Everything was fine until last week when Paul told me his ex-wife wanted Ella to live with us full-time, only visiting her mother twice a month.”

Stella was shocked and upset. She said, “I was furious because Paul agreed to this without asking me first. He presented it as great news, but I wasn’t happy. I told him clearly that I don’t want this. Even though I don’t work from home, I never wanted kids, and that hasn’t changed.”

Stella and Paul tried to talk with his ex-wife to find a solution, but she was firm about Ella living with them full-time. Stella said, “Despite our efforts, she wouldn’t change her mind. Paul was stuck in the middle, trying to please everyone. I felt frustrated and ignored. I told her that it’s not fair to make this decision without involving me.”

The meeting didn’t lead to any agreement, and Stella felt more confused and upset. She told Paul they needed to find a solution that considered everyone’s feelings.

Stella ended her letter by asking for advice on how to handle the situation and find a fair balance for everyone involved.

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