The results of our DNA test blow my twin and I away.

Family relationships are the most important things in our lives, and they are based on trust and love that don’t change. But if trust is broken, these bonds fall apart, and they may not be able to be fixed. Louis recently had an unexpected revelation that rocked his world and made this painful truth very clear.

This is his letter:


I have a brother who is also a twin. We recently decided to take a DNA test just for fun to see how our genes were similar and different. When it comes to genes, fraternal twins are the same as other siblings. But the results showed that we had no matches, which didn’t make sense.

We took the test again because we thought there might have been a mistake with the samples. But it still turned out the same. Both of us were lost. We asked our parents if they had ever had any genetic tests done because we thought that might help us figure out what the results meant. They looked at each other and didn’t say anything when we asked. Last but not least, Mom said those tests aren’t accurate and we shouldn’t have done one.

In order to get more information, I decided to do something and go to the hospital where we were born. It made me feel better to know that my mom, my twin, and I are all in their records. But I was shocked when the nurse looked me in the eyes and said, “Hmm, but wait, Mrs. Anna, my mother, is only listed in our records for one birth; she has NOT delivered any twins!”

When I heard this, I ran home in a panic to tell Mom what was going on. She told me and my twin sister, through tears in her eyes, that she and my dad had been keeping something from us all these years.

It turned out that my mom isn’t really my mom and that “my twin” isn’t even my brother. I was born the same day as him, but my birth mother died while she was giving birth. My biological father wasn’t known, and no one had gone with my birth mother to the hospital with me. I was going to be adopted. When my parents heard the sad news, they were moved to adopt me right away and raise me as their own son’s twin.

In an instant, my reality fell apart. The person I thought I told everything to isn’t even related to me. It’s hard to believe I’ve been lying my whole life! I feel like a stranger all of a sudden… It’s no longer possible for me to live with people who have been lying to me since the day I was born! I would really appreciate your help because I’m totally lost right now…

Thanks a lot,

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