Betrayal on the Wedding Day

Betrayal on the Wedding Day

Sunny Haloran, the happiest girl in Houston, wasn’t so happy that day. As the daughter of one of the richest men in the city, she was admired and envied. But on her wedding day, she experienced the worst betrayal.

Sunny tore off the lace of her veil and ran down the cathedral steps. She shouted, “TAXI!” and jumped into the street. A yellow taxi screeched to a halt in front of her. She jumped in and yelled, “Please, drive fast and don’t stop, no matter what!”

The driver, David Carmichael, was used to crazy things, but this was the strangest he had ever seen. He hit the gas, and the imposing cathedral quickly disappeared in the rearview mirror. Sunny, hyperventilating and crying, said, “Take me somewhere no one knows me!”

David drove to a park and asked, “What happened?” Sunny sobbed, “My best friend Lisa ruined everything. She’s pregnant with Rory, my fiancé. He only wanted to marry me for my father’s money.”

David listened as Sunny told the whole story. “Lisa and I planned since we were kids that one of us would shout ‘I object!’ at the wedding. But Lisa was serious. She destroyed everything.”

David said reassuringly, “You did nothing wrong. They are the ones who should be ashamed.”

Sunny felt comforted and suggested, “How about you take me home and we go out to dinner tomorrow night?” David grinned and agreed.

That night, Sunny talked to her parents and felt better. The next morning, Rory showed up at her door, crying. “I really love you,” he sobbed. Sunny coldly replied, “I’ve moved on, Rory. You should too.”

Sunny knew she couldn’t forgive Lisa, but she helped her old friend financially. That evening, she went out to dinner with David. It was the start of a new chapter in her life, perhaps even with true love.

Sunny Haloran couldn’t believe her eyes. There stood Lisa, in her bridesmaid dress, looking grim and serious, just as they had imagined as kids—but this time, Lisa wasn’t joking.

Lisa looked Sunny in the eye and said, “I’m pregnant, Sunny. It’s Rory’s baby. He’s only marrying you for your father’s money.” Sunny laughed, thinking it was a prank. She turned to Rory to share the joke, but his guilty expression told her it was all true.

David, the taxi driver, sighed, “Love makes you blind. I’ve been there.”

Sunny met David’s sympathetic eyes. “I can’t go back. I can’t marry him. I can’t face my friends and family. I’m so ashamed.”

David shook his head. “You have nothing to be ashamed of. They are the ones who should be ashamed!”

“I’ll be a laughingstock,” Sunny whispered.

“No,” David said firmly, taking her hand. “You’re too beautiful to be a joke. People will be shocked, but they’ll forget. Something else will come along.”

Sunny looked at David and felt a strange comfort. “How about you take me home, and we go out to dinner tomorrow night?” David grinned and agreed.

That night, Sunny talked to her parents and felt better. The next morning, Rory showed up at her door, crying. “I really love you,” he sobbed. Sunny coldly replied, “I’ve moved on, Rory. You should too.”

But forgiving Lisa was different. Sunny had known Lisa since they were four. Despite the betrayal, she couldn’t leave her friend destitute. Lisa had no one and no money. So, Sunny talked to her father and later handed Lisa a $100,000 check.

“This is to ensure your baby is safe,” Sunny said quietly. Lisa tried to hug her, but Sunny stepped back. “Please don’t. I want you to be safe, but you were never my friend. I’m doing this for the love I had for you, but it’s over.”

That evening, Sunny went out with David. They talked until dawn. She felt she had turned a new page in her life, maybe even found her true love.

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