Millionaire Disguises as Driver to Test Wife’s Love

When Eric Montpelier was 18 years old, he decided he wanted to marry Rachel Harrington. Rachel was funny, beautiful, and cheerful, and luckily for Eric, she felt the same way about him.

Their families were close friends, and everyone supported the union between two wealthy and influential families. Eric and Rachel seemed perfect for each other in every way. Who could have predicted anything other than a fairy-tale ending?

But just three days before the wedding, Rachel and her three best friends took a trip to Las Vegas. On their way back, a big truck lost control, causing a tragic accident that shattered four families.

For the first year after Rachel’s death, Eric felt like he was living in a fog. He kept hoping it was all a bad dream he would wake up from. He believed Rachel would walk back into his life any day, laughing, and everything would return to normal.

But it didn’t happen. Eric had to face the reality that his beloved fiancée was gone at just 23 years old. He had to rebuild his life and find a way forward amid the ruins of his dreams.

Eric’s parents were at a loss for how to help their grieving son. His father encouraged him to come work for the family business, hoping it would distract him from his sorrow and give him purpose.

So Eric threw himself into managing his father’s chain of gas stations. His intense focus and hard work propelled the already successful business to new heights. Yet, even after 10 years, Eric found himself still alone.

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His father was concerned, especially after falling ill, and Eric took full charge of running the company. “I wanted him to focus on work to help him move past his grief,” his father told his mother, “not let business consume his life!”

They encouraged him to date and even introduced him to eligible daughters of their wealthy friends, but Eric didn’t find any of them attractive.

Then Eric decided to visit some of their more remote gas stations to check on them. He wanted to see how well they treated their customers by pretending to be a regular customer himself.

On his way back from a week of visiting the Midwest’s more isolated areas, Eric had a flat tire just a few miles from home. When he looked in the trunk, there was no spare tire…

With no cell service, Eric locked the car and started walking, hoping to find a service station soon. After walking for an hour, he spotted an old, run-down gas station. Finally, he could get help!

He entered the dusty store and approached the counter. “Excuse me,” he said, “I had a flat tire and don’t have a spare…” The person behind the counter wore greasy mechanic’s overalls and a baseball cap, but when she turned around, Eric saw she was a beautiful young woman.

He started stuttering and blushing, but the girl, named Marla, found him charming and funny. She took him to his car in her truck and insisted on changing his tire.

Eric fell in love. In that moment, all his years of loneliness and pain disappeared. He wanted Marla, and nothing would stop him. His mother was surprised when he told them she was a mechanic, but his father actually found it amusing.

What Eric’s father didn’t like was that Marla was poor and had no family background. “She’s not our kind of people, Eric!” his dad said.

“What kind of people are our kind, dad?” Eric asked sharply. “Do we only accept the wealthy as our kind of people?”

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“No,” said Eric’s dad. “Of course not, but… You know nothing about this girl, where she comes from. She’s too young for you, and she might be after your money!”

“Dad, come on,” Eric replied. “She’s sweet and kind. Since Rachel passed away, she’s made me feel alive again.” After that, Eric’s parents didn’t argue against the wedding.

Marla and Eric married at Eric’s parents’ large country house in Martha’s Vineyard, with hundreds of guests, all from Eric’s side.

Marla had no family or close friends. Even her bridesmaids were Eric’s sisters. “She’s hiding something,” Eric’s mother told him. “No one is that alone in the world.”

But Eric defended Marla. He loved her and accepted her as she was. They moved into a new house, and Marla adjusted to Eric’s lifestyle, including staff like a housekeeper, maids, and a driver.

Two years into their marriage, Eric’s longtime driver approached him nervously. “Sir,” he said. “I need to talk to you about something…”

“What is it, Farrow?” Eric asked. “Do you need a raise?”

“No, sir,” Farrow replied. “It’s about Mrs. Montpelier…”

“What about my wife?” Eric asked, confused.

“Sir, for the past six months, she’s been acting strange,” Farrow explained. “Every afternoon, she asks to be dropped off in a rough part of town for shopping. But when I pick her up two hours later, she hasn’t bought anything.”

“I see,” said Eric.

“I wouldn’t have said anything, sir,” Farrow continued. “But I’ve known you since you were a boy…”

“Maybe you can help me solve this,” Eric interrupted. “Tomorrow, tell Marla that your nephew will drive her. I’ll wear your uniform, cap, and sunglasses with the limousine’s divider up. She won’t recognize me, and I’ll find out the truth.”

That night, Eric casually asked Marla about her plans for the next day. She replied, “Oh, just going into town for some shopping, maybe getting my hair done…”

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Don’t rush to judge until you have all the facts.

But Eric felt something was wrong! That night, lying next to his wife Marla, he couldn’t sleep. Was everything about their marriage a lie? He’d been so happy these past two years, and he thought Marla was too…

“Tomorrow,” Eric resolved, “I’ll find out the truth.” The next day, he pretended to leave for work, then sneaked back into Farrow’s apartment above the garage and changed into his uniform.

He styled his hair, put on sunglasses, and waited in the car for Marla. At the agreed time, she came out, got into the car, and asked, “Can you take me to 25 Camden Street?”

Eric nodded and drove. The address was in a rough part of town, where people struggled to make ends meet.

When they arrived, Marla told him to wait for her call before picking her up. She seemed distracted, never once looking at Eric.

He parked the car and followed Marla into the building. It was run-down. What was she doing here? Then Eric heard her voice. “I’m sorry I can’t stay long, but you know I love you…”

Filled with jealousy and anger, Eric pushed open the door without thinking. Inside, the apartment was even worse, and there sat Marla, holding an elderly man’s hands.

She stood up, pale with shock. “Eric,” she gasped. “What are you doing here?”

“I should be asking you that!” Eric exclaimed. “Who is this man, and why are you here?”

Marla took a deep breath. “This is my father, Eric. He’s sick. He had a stroke, so I come here to help him.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Eric demanded. “You said you were an orphan!”

“I was ashamed,” Marla whispered. “I thought you wouldn’t want to be with someone like me, with a father who’s been in prison.”

Eric took Marla’s hands. “I love you, Marla, and nothing will change that.” Marla cried and hugged him.

“I’m so sorry for lying,” Marla said, tearfully introducing Eric to her father, who couldn’t speak due to his stroke.

Eric arranged for Marla’s father to move to a care facility where he could be properly looked after. A few weeks later, Marla shared wonderful news: they were going to have a baby!

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