My Husband Pretended to Be Sick, I Found Out Why and I’m Shocked

The woman in today’s story went through a very painful situation. Her husband told her he had a serious illness. Her life changed instantly, but she was even more shocked when she found out he lied about it. Now, she knows why he did it and can’t stay quiet about this family problem. She wrote us an emotional letter asking for advice and wanted to share her story.

Samantha told us about her family situation in her emotional letter.

Samantha, 37, is a loyal reader, but she never thought she would share her terrible story here. She revealed that throughout her marriage, she never suspected her husband had two faces—one she loved, and one that was ugly and disgusting.

Samantha wrote, “I need advice more than ever now. I can’t tell my family because I’m afraid they won’t believe me due to the absurdity of my husband’s recent actions.”

She shared, “My husband, Lars, and I have been married for over 12 years. Lars has always been the most reasonable, hard-working, and loving husband and dad. Our family life was well-organized, and we each had our roles. Lars is the only breadwinner, working full-time and often staying late to save for a house. He has to work more to provide for us.

“I am a stay-at-home mom, busy with our three kids. Lars loves spending time with them but doesn’t help with their care, feeding, or problems. He thinks it’s my responsibility. This started to feel unfair, but I never complained because I knew how tired he was from work, and I ignored my exhaustion for his stability.

Samantha continued, “Five months ago, Lars started feeling bad. This lasted for a month, and I got really worried. I insisted on a full medical checkup, which he surprisingly agreed to without hesitation—a red flag for me.

“Lars went to the hospital and later told me he was diagnosed with cancer, showing me the diagnosis paper. I believed him and was shocked and sad. My only thought was to do everything to save him.”

She wrote, “Since then, Lars changed completely. He took a long vacation and stayed in a separate room at home, coming out only to eat and use the bathroom. Later, he started going outside alone, saying he needed to think about his life. I took care of the kids and Lars, who now demanded all my attention, and I eagerly did everything for him without asking questions.

The truth was revealed unexpectedly and it was a bombshell.

Samantha wrote, “One day, Lars was talking to someone on the phone. I was passing by his room and heard part of the conversation. He was talking to his mother, saying she shouldn’t worry about him because he was getting enough rest. But he also said the rest came at the cost of lies he had to tell me, and that he felt guilty and needed to tell me something.

I entered the room and confronted him about what he had said. He went pale and then confessed that his diagnosis was fake. He didn’t have cancer; he was healthy. He lied because he was tired of his responsibilities and felt I only saw him as an ATM. He said he didn’t want to be a husband and dad anymore and wanted to be free.

What shocked me the most was his cowardice. He couldn’t tell me the truth from the start, ignored my exhaustion and needs, and thought only of himself. He made me feel guilty and took care of him, a healthy man pretending to be sick, along with our three kids.

Now Lars suggests we don’t divorce and begged for family therapy. But I don’t know if I still want this marriage. What would you do?”

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