My Best Friend’s Wedding Was the Worst Day of My Life

Some friendships last for decades or even a lifetime, while others can fall apart in a second. Today’s story is about a 34-year-old woman who was deeply hurt by her best friend of over 20 years on her special day. The woman wrote a letter to us, and we could sense her sadness as she shared her story.

The friendship between two women seemed to be very solid.

Alyson, 34, recently sent a letter to our editorial, sharing a painful experience with her childhood best friend, Miranda, 35. She began her story, saying, “My childhood best friend got married last weekend. I was so excited to be there to support her on her big day. But things quickly went wrong.”

Alyson continued, “Right after Miranda asked me to be her bridesmaid, she told me I had to dress in a ‘girly’ way. She gave me a list of requirements, including wearing a dress, heels, growing my hair to at least bob length, dyeing my hair, and getting a tan. The worst part was that I had to use body makeup to cover my tattoos.”

Alyson explained why this was a problem for her. She wrote, “Since my teenage years, I’ve always been a tomboy. I feel deeply uncomfortable wearing dresses, heels, and makeup. But it was my best friend’s big day, so I agreed to everything except growing my hair.” Miranda then told Alyson that she could still come to the wedding but wouldn’t be a bridesmaid anymore. Alyson agreed, though she already felt really bad about the situation.

Things were getting worse from that point, and Alyson was getting annoyed.

Alyson continued her story, saying, “I’m a chocolatier, so Miranda asked me to make the wedding favors and take care of the dessert table. Even though our relationship had been damaged by her demands about my appearance and her decision to not have me as a bridesmaid, I was still happy to help. I worked really hard to create an amazing dessert table that everyone loved.”

But Miranda’s behavior towards Alyson didn’t improve. Alyson shared, “Then Miranda told me that the wedding was going over budget and she needed to cut costs. So, she said my husband couldn’t come to the wedding. I was really angry, but she was my best friend, and we’d been through a lot together. I thought her stress from the wedding was causing her to act this way, so I tried to be understanding. I even lowered my rates for the dessert table as a gift to the couple.”

The unfriendly attitude of the best friend didn’t stop at that crucial point.

Alyson wrote, “A month later, Miranda said my husband could come with me to the wedding, but we wouldn’t sit at the main table.” Alyson explained that her husband is a wedding photographer and wanted to start doing videos. They knew Miranda didn’t have a videographer, so he offered to make a free professional video for them.

Miranda was excited and suggested they sit with the other vendors. Alyson and her husband liked the idea and agreed to sit with them.

But things went bad on the wedding day. Alyson wrote, “We arrived early to help. My husband filmed while I set up the dessert table. After the ceremony, guests went to the party room and the other room became the reception area. But when we helped set up, I was shocked to find our names weren’t on the seating list.”

There was no vendor table, so Alyson and her husband had to sit alone in another room. They couldn’t hear or see anything and couldn’t talk to anyone.

Alyson is extremely hurt about the whole situation.

Alyson said, “After we were told to sit in a separate room, I talked to Miranda to explain. She said it was a mistake, but she didn’t do anything to fix it. We were left out of the reception. I missed most of the wedding and spent the evening crying in the bathroom. My husband kept filming, wanting to make a nice video for them.”

Alyson ended her letter saying, “I texted Miranda about how I felt. She apologized and said she was forgetful that day. She felt guilty and wanted to stay friends. But now, I don’t want to see her again.”

We’re thankful to Alyson for sharing her story. Many people would understand how she feels.

Our advice to Alyson is simple: don’t do anything. She’s already been a good friend. Miranda was wrong, so Alyson doesn’t need to apologize. She has the right to end the friendship. If they do talk again, Alyson should keep some distance and not trust Miranda completely.

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