I had a coworker who was a stinker. I’m a newbie, she’s my mentor. Every time she would sit down next to me to explain something, I almost cried. This stench, like a trail, followed her everywhere. You couldn’t even enter the bathroom after her.
The previous employee worked with her for 2 years and put up with it. He would come home and, like me, take off all his clothes and immediately throw them in the wash. The odor was terrible. I was nervous and asked friends and family for advice.
Only after 6 months did I dare to tell her about it, apologizing for every word. In response, she said that no one ever told her that, and she feels nothing and everyone is fine with it. I had to go to my supervisor in tears. He conducted an investigation, questioned everyone, talked to her, and finally moved her to a separate office! I felt like I could breathe again.