Families are usually proud to keep traditions and dreams alive through generations. But what happens when the next generation refuses to continue this? One mother faced this issue with her daughter.
A mother shared her story online:
I’m 42, and my daughter is 22. She decided she doesn’t want kids and is getting sterilized next year.
I believe those souls still need to join our family for ancestral or karmic reasons. So, I ended up having and raising two babies who should have been born to her, but she refuses to have kids.
We joke that my 1.5-year-old daughter, her sibling, is actually hers, but she just didn’t want to have her. But deep down, it’s not a joke. If she wasn’t so selfish, I wouldn’t be raising a toddler right now.
But people couldn’t be on her side.
- “I need to start using this excuse. I didn’t want to binge 15 tacos. But you didn’t do it, so I had to for our ancestral spirits. Why am I eating sausages? You know why.”
- “Good grief! This is so not a Gen X position. We’re like, please don’t have kids if you are not flipping ready, even if that’s never!”
- “I was mocked as a kid, so have really bad associations with children. My mother and I had a toxic relationship, and my parenting imprinting is bad. I don’t have a lifestyle that lends itself to kids. Happily married, a guy who never wanted kids either.
We rescue dogs. It would be the height of selfishness to have a child, who’d have to go through years of therapy fixing what we went wrong. So thankful I’m now over 50 and people have stopped asking and designated me as the black sheep of the family.