We all know that feeling of dread creep up on us for no reason. These people experienced something that will make even the bravest souls shiver. If you’re reading this at night, proceed at your own risk, because these stories will have you looking over your shoulder long after you’ve finished reading.
My sister and I were having a prank feud. I had just turned 11, and later that night, I heard my closet door open. I thought she wanted to prank me on my special day and had snuck in, forgetting that my door squeaks. I got up and pushed her! She stepped out of the closet, but it wasn’t her.
My sister didn’t have long black hair, scars on her face, and wasn’t as tall as a grown woman. I wanted to scream, but I just froze and started whimpering and crying. She put her finger up to her lips and let out a “Shhh,” opened my window, crawled out, then slowly closed my window, never to be seen again.