My Husband Got a Paternity Test on Our Daughter and It Came Back Negative, but I Never Cheated

This story shows that unbelievable things can happen in real life. A woman’s world was turned upside down after her husband decided to take a random paternity test. He doubted he was their daughter’s father, but the results shocked them both.

A 29-year-old woman shared on Reddit that her 31-year-old husband got a paternity test on their 5-year-old daughter. To everyone’s surprise, the results came back negative, meaning the husband wasn’t their daughter’s biological father.

In her post, the woman said she had no idea how this happened. She hadn’t stopped crying since they got the results. She assured everyone that she had never cheated on her husband. She loves him, they’ve been together since college, and he’s the love of her life.

She thinks her husband is handsome and kind. She had relationships with two other people, but that was before she and her husband got together. She is sure there is no other possible father for their daughter. They were married and actively trying for a baby. She doesn’t understand why her husband took the test because she would never cheat.

But the test came back negative, and now her husband thinks he’s not their daughter’s dad. She doesn’t know how to convince him the test was wrong and feels very scared.

She says that in the past few months, her husband has changed. He’s cold and suspicious. He keeps demanding to see her phone but won’t say why. At first, she showed him, but now she refuses unless he explains. He’s also been distant with their daughter.

He stayed in his office for hours, and his wife didn’t know what he was doing. One morning, he accused her of cheating, saying he did the test because their daughter’s eye color didn’t match theirs. He even wanted her to leave the house. When she didn’t, he locked her out of their bedroom, so she had to sleep in their daughter’s room.

The woman was very upset about the situation. She knew she hadn’t cheated and suggested many ways to prove it. She made a list of tests to do, and they finally agreed.

Her husband said he still loved their daughter and promised not to lock her out of the house or their room. She asked him to hug her, and he did, but she still felt he didn’t trust her and was scared she couldn’t convince him. She wanted her family to go back to normal and be a good wife while proving her innocence.

The woman continues, saying, “We did a few tests. Blood paternity tests for him, me, and our daughter, and we had an appointment with a chimerism specialist. But that got canceled because, well, some of you guessed it, my daughter is not biologically mine either.”

This was so shocking that both were speechless. Then a police officer came to take their statements, and they planned to sue the hospital where she gave birth. She doesn’t know what happened to her baby, which is the scariest part. She has her husband back, but her world is still upside down. She was afraid her daughter would be taken away, but she also wanted to know where her biological daughter was and if she was okay.

Recently, the woman posted an update on Reddit. She dedicated it to the people following her story and those giving her advice.

She and her husband found their biological daughter. She was in foster care. The hospital they used wasn’t in a good area, and her daughter was taken home by another family who ended up under investigation. When she was proven not to be their biological child, she was taken by the state. They started the adoption process immediately.

They explained to their daughter that her sister would be coming to stay with them and that they still loved her very much. She was very happy about it.

Now they’re planning to move away from their town. They found a great place in a good school district a few states away, with plenty of room for their family to grow.

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