I’ve decided to stop helping my mom because she didn’t include me in her will.

Trust and loyalty are crucial in family relationships, but they can be delicate. This is about a tough choice—deciding not to help a parent after discovering something hurtful.

Here’s what happened:

Anna reached out to us for advice. “Hi, Bright Side! I hope you’re doing well. I’m writing to share a personal and difficult decision I’ve made for my own emotional and mental health. After thinking long and hard, I feel this decision is necessary.”

She continued, “Recently, I found out that my mom didn’t include me in her will. This news was really shocking and upsetting for me. It made me feel like she doesn’t appreciate all the help and support I’ve given her over the years, often making big sacrifices for her. This has made me question our relationship and my role in our family.”

“Not being included in her will feels like a rejection of our bond and everything I’ve done for her. She’s older and needs a lot of care, and I’ve always been there for her, sometimes putting my own family aside to help her. It’s hurtful that my efforts seem to be overlooked,” Anna added.

Anna stressed that it’s not just about the money: “I’ve always believed that family should support each other and show respect. But this situation has shown me that these values aren’t being returned. It’s not just about what’s in the will, but what it represents about how she values me. Feeling unrecognized and unappreciated has created a gap that’s hard for me to handle.”

Anna also mentioned a recent incident: “She had an accident recently, and I told her I couldn’t keep helping her anymore. It wasn’t an easy decision, but I had to do it for my own well-being. I needed to set boundaries to make sure my efforts aren’t taken for granted.”

Anna’s mom tried to reach out: “She kept asking me to visit, but I stuck to my decision. Then she texted me, calling me selfish and saying I’m the worst daughter in the world.”

Anna ended by asking for our advice: “I know some people might criticize me for this choice or not understand it. But I need to know if I’m doing the right thing so I can start to heal and move forward.”

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