I won’t help my mom because I found out she left me out of her will.

Trust and loyalty are important parts of any family relationship, but they can be easily broken. This is the story of a tough choice: not helping a parent in need after finding out a hurtful truth.

What happened was told to us.

Anna wrote to us and asked for our thoughts. “Hi!” I hope this letter finds you well. I’m writing to tell you about a very personal and painful choice I’ve made that I think is best for my mental and emotional health. There was a lot of thought and reflection that went into this decision.

She then said, “I just recently found out that my mother has left me out of her will.” This news shocked and broke my heart because it made me feel so deeply unimportant and unappreciated. I have been there for her for years, supporting and helping her whenever she needed it, often at great personal cost. The exclusion has made me think about how we relate to each other and what my role is in the family.

“The choice to leave me out of her will makes me feel like our relationship has been broken and all that I have done is not important.” She is very old and needs care all the time. I would do anything to be with her, even if it meant leaving my family behind. “This makes it clear that my hard work and sacrifices are not appreciated or known,” Anna said.

Anna makes it clear that it’s not just about the money: “I have always thought that family should be a place where people support and respect each other.” That being said, this situation has shown me that these values are not being returned. It’s not just about the things in the will; it’s also about the feelings that they represent. The lack of appreciation and recognition has caused a rift that I am finding hard to heal.

Anna also talked about something that happened not long ago: “Recently, she had an accident, and I told her I wasn’t going to help her anymore.” Even though I didn’t want to make this choice, I think it’s the only way to protect my own health. I need to take a step back and look at my limits again to make sure I’m not putting myself in situations where my work is constantly undervalued.

Anna’s mother tried to get in touch with her. “She kept insisting that I come to visit, but I was set on my choice,” Anna said. That night, she texted me and called me selfish and the worst daughter in the world.

“I know that this choice may be met with criticism and misunderstanding,” Anna said when she asked for our help. But I need to know if I’m going in the right direction so I can start to heal and move on.

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