My mom abandoned me because of my disability. Years later, I reunited with her, and getting even felt satisfying.

Our reader Eve wrote us a touching letter sharing her heartbreaking story. She’s 30 years old and has a disability. Her mother left her when she was just 10 years old. Eve waited all these years for her mother to return, feeling deeply hurt by the betrayal from the person she loved the most. When they finally met again, Eve taught her mother a life lesson that she likely won’t forget.

Eve was betrayed by her own mother.

Eve wanted to know what others thought about how she handled her mom returning after abandoning her during a tough time in her life. She was uncertain about the outcome of their meeting and hoped to get advice from people who read her story.

In her heartfelt letter, Eve shared, “My life hasn’t been easy. When I was 10, my mom, whom I loved dearly, left me. She and my biological dad split when I was just 1, and I never met him because he couldn’t handle my disability, which doctors said might mean I’d always need a wheelchair. My mom faced many challenges raising me alone until she met Owen, my stepdad, who was incredibly kind and loving. After they married, Owen showered us with care and love beyond what we’d imagined. But one day, my mom decided she didn’t want Owen and me in her life anymore.”

Eve explained, “One day, my mom disappeared while Owen and I were at a rehab center. When we returned home, she was gone, leaving only a short note that said, ‘I can’t do this anymore. You’ve taken away my best years.’ I cried for months, blaming myself for making my mom unhappy. I felt like my life was over, sinking into depression with no way out.”

“But Owen saved me. He gave me hope and strength to keep going. He never showed his own pain, always staying strong and positive through our darkest times. Owen talked to me, explained things, and treated me like a princess. He inspired me to take a crucial step that changed my life forever.”

Eve continued, “Today, I’m a successful lawyer at a major company, thanks to Owen’s belief in me and support for my education and career. In school, classmates teased me and made hurtful comments about my parents abandoning me.”

“Owen taught me to stand up for myself and fight for justice, which fueled my drive to become a lawyer. Since childhood, I’ve dreamed of helping people with disabilities succeed in life and supporting them through their struggles. I pursued this dream, graduated from a top law school, and quickly rose in my career.”

Eve told me that one day, her mother suddenly appeared at her doorstep after being gone for 20 years, along with Owen. She knocked on the door and asked Eve to give her a chance to talk. Surprisingly, Eve didn’t feel anything when she saw her. She recognized her instantly.

Her mother came inside and started talking right away. She boldly claimed that she left because Owen was treating her badly, saying he cheated on her many times. Eve knew it wasn’t true, but her mother insisted Owen’s behavior made her stressed and led her to leave her family.

Then, her mother told Eve she was struggling, had no money, and nowhere to live. She boldly said Eve owed her financial support because she took care of her until she was 10. Eve was shocked and disgusted to hear this from the woman who abandoned her and only showed up after she became successful. She asked her mother to sit down and left the room. Eve went to her home office, took out some cash from her safe, and returned to her mother.

She gave her $10,000 and said, “Here’s the money I owe you. I’ll give you $1,000 for each year you were my mom. This is what I can pay you for taking care of me. I had expectations that you didn’t meet. As your daughter, I expected you to be my mother, to be there for me, love me, and take care of me. But you didn’t meet my expectations, and you quit when I was 10. Now everything’s settled. You got your salary. You need to leave and forget about me for now.”

Eve said, “She was shocked and couldn’t say anything. She tried to cry but couldn’t. She left, and I felt broken. I knew I did the right thing because I don’t owe her anything. But Owen said I was too harsh with my mother, which surprised him. What would you do if you were me?”

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