“Mom Spread Lies About Me for Years, But I Got Revenge at a Family Gathering”

Sometimes, we don’t have a great relationship with our moms. Not everyone has a very loving and caring mom, and that’s what our story is about today. A woman posted on Reddit about her difficult relationship with her mom. But here’s the twist — her mom faced consequences unexpectedly.

A woman turned to Reddit to talk about her feelings towards her mom.

Sure, here’s a simplified version of the text:

A woman recently shared her story on Reddit, stirring emotions among users. She started by saying her mother has always been a negative presence in her life. The woman described her experiences, saying, “She was like a constant burden during the 21 years I lived at home.”

She went on to talk more about her difficult life with her own mother. She wrote, “She made my life miserable. Because of her, I became very depressed and stressed out. I was also a bit overweight, and she always teased me about it. I struggled to keep a job when I was younger because of my low self-esteem and depression, but she just called me lazy.”

Then a major event changed the woman’s life for the better. She shared, “When I turned 21, I moved out, lived with friends, and focused on improving my mental and physical health. I also found a good job for myself.”

Her self-confidence has improved a lot since then. She said, “I feel amazing now. Four years later, I have a great group of friends and a boyfriend who supports me in every way.

Discovering her mother’s bad behavior was tough for her to handle. She continued, “I haven’t talked to my mom for the past four years, and I’ve also cut off contact with some family members. They always took my mom’s side and believed her stories, painting me as a terrible person. But they had no idea what I was really going through.”

The woman has a close bond with certain family members who have supported her through everything. She said, “I only talk to my grandparents, who saw some of the things my mom did to me before I moved out and cut her off. They didn’t want to get involved in family drama. I also stay in touch with a cousin who witnessed these things when we were younger.”

The woman described her mother’s lies as completely outrageous. She wrote, “Over those four years, my mom kept spreading lies about me. She said I was gaining weight, unemployed, homeless, tried to break into her house multiple times, offended her, and more.”

One day, tensions rose at a family gathering and things became difficult.

The woman explained that a recent family event was unforgettable for her and a valuable lesson for her mother. She wrote, “Just last month, my grandfather reached out and told me he heard what my mom had been saying. He said there would be a virtual family reunion in January and encouraged me to join to prove everyone wrong.”

She added, “My cousin also told me to sit somewhere in my home where my boyfriend would be visible, because apparently, people still thought I couldn’t get a boyfriend.”

The big day arrived, and the woman remembers it vividly. She wrote, “I purposely arrived five minutes late. The looks on people’s faces were amusing. That’s when people started questioning my mom, but she ignored every question and made up excuses, like saying I’d had some ‘work’ done.”

The confrontation started right away. The woman recalled, “That’s when I spoke up. I said, ‘This has been me for three years. The stories you heard about me were from my mom, who I haven’t spoken to in years. She’s lied and degraded me my whole life because that’s all she knows.'”

At the end, there was a big surprise waiting for the woman’s mother.

She continued, “That’s when my boyfriend walked into the kitchen. Everyone was shocked when I introduced him as my boyfriend, and he gave a friendly wave. My mom was glaring angrily.”

She revealed, “People continued to question my mom, but she refused to answer anyone and eventually said, ‘I don’t need to explain myself’ before leaving.”

The lesson was painful for the mother. The woman explained, “Later, my cousin told me her mom heard my mom had a complete meltdown. She was upset that I had dared to show up and act confidently, blaming me for causing family problems.”

“But it all comes down to her feeling embarrassed and being called out on her lies.

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