Woman Shares Experience of Free-Bleeding at MIL’s House, Gets Mixed Reactions Online

Free bleeding means not using anything to absorb period blood. This can be messy and may need frequent changes of underwear or clothes. Recently, a woman on Reddit shared her story about free bleeding at her mother-in-law’s house, which started a big discussion among both women and men.

I’m staying at my mother-in-law’s house with my husband for a family get-together (six birthdays in one week). I have very painful periods and mobility issues. I can’t use menstrual cups and I’m allergic to all brands of pads I’ve tried. I have cloth pads, but I only brought a couple of small ones because I wasn’t due to start my period until after we got home. However, I started my period on the first night of our trip.

I tried using some disposable pads I bought, but they gave me a rash and blisters. So, two days ago, I decided to free bleed like I do at home. I brought my own towels and have been sitting and sleeping on those. I have bled through twice but cleaned up the mess and left no stains.

My mother-in-law is very angry. She’s disgusted by my behavior and doesn’t like carrying my stained towels around. She also hates that I’m washing them in her machines and wants us to pay to have them professionally cleaned (which we will do).

Last night, she lost it and called me an “animal” for my behavior. She wants me to leave but wants my husband to stay. This isn’t possible because we have one car and I can’t drive due to the pain I’m in.

Am I wrong here? I know it’s not very sanitary, but my health is more important than some bedsheets. I’ll replace them if she wants.

I’m close to just using a pad and enduring the pain, but I really don’t want to. I don’t want open sores while driving home—it would be unbearable. I feel like I’m choosing the lesser of two evils, but now I’m not sure.

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