A 63-year-old woman wrote to us about her tough situation with her pregnant daughter-in-law and her son, who’s cheating on her. He’s been with other women, and he told his mom about it, putting her in a difficult spot. Now, she’s feeling torn and doesn’t know what to do.
The woman shared her absolutely mind-stirring story in a letter to our editorial.

The relationship between MIL and DIL are fabulous.

The woman continues her story, saying, “I really care about my daughter-in-law Olivia. She’s kind, respectful, and feels like my own daughter. We’ve bonded well since she started dating my son. We talk a lot and see each other often.”
The woman noticed something strange about her son’s behavior when he returned from his trip. She wrote, “When my son came back, he seemed different. He didn’t want any treats, avoided kissing Olivia, and gave her awkward hugs. He acted distant and slept in the guest room. When I asked him about it, he didn’t give clear answers.”
Later, Olivia shared more about her husband’s odd behavior. He refused her meals, stayed distant, and avoided physical contact. Then, her son came to her in tears, holding crumpled papers. He confessed to cheating on Olivia with many women and being diagnosed with HIV. Shocked, she asked why he didn’t tell Olivia. He begged her to keep it secret and let him stay with her to figure out what to do next.
The woman is totally desperate after her son made the confession.