My Husband Was Unfaithful and Now Wants to Take Responsibility for His Affair Child

Trying to fix a marriage after one partner cheats, especially when they have a child with someone else, is really hard. It means making tough decisions that could change your life. Someone on Reddit asked for advice about their situation. They said they didn’t want anything to do with their husband’s child from the affair.

After nine years of marriage, my husband and I found out in 2021 that he was being sued for child support. This all came out because he had an affair shortly after we got married, which almost broke us up. But we went to counseling together and agreed to some conditions for me to stay in the marriage.

One of the conditions was that my husband would get another job to pay for his child support without hurting our family’s finances. I also made it clear that I didn’t want anything to do with the child from his affair. In the past few years, my husband has been spending time with his child, but lately, he told me about some problems with the child’s mom.”

His affair partner is going to jail for 8 months starting in May. My husband wants to take care of their child during this time so they don’t have to move far away to live with their grandparents. The child doesn’t want to change schools or be away from their friends, dad, and mom (who will be in jail nearby).

When I heard this, I left the house and came back with a guide for apartments in our area, showing him that I didn’t want to deal with the situation. He asked if I was serious, and I said yes, my feelings hadn’t changed since three years ago. Even though he said the situation was special, I told him again that I didn’t want to take care of his child. I suggested a friendly divorce if he wanted to take custody.

I made it clear that I was sticking to my decision and that I didn’t want to be responsible for someone else’s child.

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