My Brother Proposed During My Wedding, a Year Later I Got Back at Him

Getting engaged at someone’s wedding is a common but controversial thing to do. Some people believe it’s a nice surprise, while others believe it ruins the focus on the bride and groom. This is what happened to one person on Reddit. They felt upset seeing a proposal at their wedding, but they didn’t forget to get back at the person later.

My brother said he wanted to ask his girlfriend to marry him during my wedding. I said no because I wanted the day to be all about my wife and me, without any interruptions.

My mom got really mad. She said he wanted our extended family to see the proposal. I didn’t agree and told him if he did it, he’d have to leave.

But he went ahead and did it anyway. My mom said she’d leave if I made him go.

I was really angry.

At my brother’s wedding last weekend, instead of giving a regular toast, I shared the news that we’re going to have our first baby.

My mom wasn’t happy about it, but my grandma stopped her from saying anything. We spent a lot of time during the party talking about our upcoming baby with relatives we hadn’t seen in a long time.

Afterwards, my mom said I was trying to steal attention from my brother. I reminded her about the time she said she’d leave my wedding. She got really mad, but I showed her the text messages as proof.

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