My Husband Ruined Both of Our Lives by Asking Me to Serve Him a Bigger Lunch for Work

A woman, aged 30, has shared a rather unusual account with us. Her husband consistently requested a double portion for lunch every day, leaving her puzzled about the reason behind his insatiable appetite. Despite various theories she conjured, the truth that eventually came to light left her utterly shocked and devastated.

The woman, who genuinely aimed to care for her husband, penned a letter to our editorial team, revealing the tumultuous turn her life had taken, ultimately tearing her family apart.

In her letter, she candidly expressed, “I used to lead a happy life, but now I am almost certain I want a divorce. I never imagined my life taking such a whimsical and painful turn, yet here I am, heartbroken.”

Detailing her ordeal, she continued, “My husband Frank and I have been married for nearly five years, and we have a five-month-old baby. I work part-time, and my earnings barely cover our expenses, including the legal fees for my husband’s documentation process. We were fortunate to have embarked on a relatively simple documentation process that was supposed to take only two years for Frank to obtain residency. However, following recent events, I have decided to cancel this legal procedure and initiate divorce proceedings.”

The woman described her usual routine of preparing her husband’s lunches, stating, “My mornings were typically hectic. I would wake up two hours before Frank, prepare his lunch, and pack everything he needed for work. Additionally, I would fix his breakfast, make his coffee, and lay out his clothes. He would then wake up, eat, get dressed, and leave for work within 40 minutes.” Despite her efforts to ensure her husband was well-fed at work, his appetite seemed insatiable.

She recounted, “Frank used to be content with the lunches I prepared for him. I would typically include freshly cooked chicken or a chicken wrap in some sauce, always opting for healthy options. I did this out of love for him, aiming to simplify Frank’s life and demonstrate my affection. I have been preparing his lunches since we first moved in together over five years ago.”

The woman was dismayed to discover her husband’s perpetual hunger. She explained, “Recently, I began including dinner leftovers as Frank started requesting more food, claiming he remained hungry after consuming the lunches I provided. I found this perplexing because regardless of whether I worked or not, I always ensured there was food waiting for him at home. Despite my doubts about his hunger, I obliged and began doubling his lunch portions, sacrificing my own meal in the process. This meant I would have to forego lunch and wait until after work to eat or risk being late. As a breastfeeding mother, skipping meals was not an option for me.”

The woman’s suspicions were aroused when she noticed a second fork in her husband’s lunchbox one day. Upon questioning Frank, he dismissed it as a harmless find from his office kitchen. Despite her misgivings, she attributed her concerns to postpartum insecurities.

However, a shocking revelation awaited her during a surprise visit to Frank’s workplace. Recalling the incident, she wrote, “A few days later, I decided to visit Frank’s office during lunch to surprise him with dessert and introduce our adorable baby. It was then that I discovered the reason behind his perpetual hunger. Contrary to his claims, a colleague he had assured me had left the company was still employed there and was sharing my prepared lunches with Frank, who was consuming the leftovers.”

In a state of despair, the woman disclosed, “I drove home in tears, packed my belongings, including the bassinet and essential items for the baby, and sought refuge at my sister’s home, where I confided in her and my brother-in-law.”

Her heart shattered, along with her family. “I typically exchange messages with Frank throughout the day, but on that fateful day, I vanished without a trace. Frank grew increasingly concerned, bombarding me with texts and calls, both to check on my well-being and inquire about dinner plans. He arrived home earlier than usual that evening to find my belongings and the baby’s essentials gone. Later that night, I informed him of my decision to seek a divorce and discontinue the legal process for his residency. His reaction was one of anger and desperation, pleading with me not to leave him and to give him another chance. I chose to block him on all communication channels, prompting him to visit my sister’s home, where she threatened to involve the authorities if he refused to leave. I feel shattered, lost, and despondent, yet I am confident that my decisions are justified, as it is preferable to be a single mother than to spend my life with a deceitful husband who conspires with mistresses behind my back.”

This is the account of a woman who did not need the services of a private investigator to uncover her husband’s infidelity. Instead, her resourcefulness led her to discover a telltale sign in his room—a tampon—that initiated her investigation and unveiled the truth.

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